The Original Cookie

It all started with my chocolate chip cookies. People who always consumed and loved traditional cookies made with wheat flour would find my chocolate chip cookies to be irresistible, not even realizing they were eating a gluten free dessert. For people who are gluten free by choice or are allergic to gluten and are celiacs, they truly appreciated these cookies because they offer a delicious alternative.

We decided to test some of the gluten free cookies that can be found in the grocery store. The most memorable, sadly, was a particular brand of cookie that was touted to be paleo. It was like eating a vanilla flavored sponge. I knew I could do better than this! People deserve good treats that are healthy. So it all began with my famous paleo chocolate chip cookies. Next came the salted caramel chip cookie, which is the same cookie but with different chips, and then more flavors were introduced.

It’s been so much fun finding cookies that people can enjoy. What’s your favorite kind of cookie?

Published by mommallamapaleo

Barbara Julie believes paleo is where healthy meets delicious. Her homemade cookies and desserts provide gluten-free options that are delicious, organic, and good for the people who eat them.